Well, I tried over the weekend, but got distracted with the noise from the website troubles. 0.8 is officially available now for testing. A few minor features will be added before the release version, but hopefully it will stay largely intact before then. Very little of the actually communication client code changed between 0.7 and […]
Something happened to the content of the website in the past few days where much of the archival content is missing. I have no clue how this could have happened, it seems the database was selectively pruned. That’s pretty upsetting, not because I can’t restore the content, but because it was either maliciously done or […]
Hl7 Comm 0.8 is looking real good to me. The configuration stuff seems to work flawlessly so I’ve added some new features while I’m testing. First is the long-awaited manual ack/nack feature. It displays an incoming HL7 message and lets you select to ack it, nack it or basically reply with whatever you like. Another […]
I’m nearly done with the next release of HL7 Comm (0.8). I’d like some beta testers with the idea that we can kick the tires on the configuration GUI before I release it to the wild. What makes sense to me might not be ideal for everyone. If you’re interested hit me up at the […]