A user found out that due to the inclusion of the HAPI libraries with HL7 Browser 0.9.8, it doesn’t quite work on Java 1.4 at the moment. I’ve updated the JNLP (web start launcher) to reflect this, as well as the install icons on the site. This shouldn’t be a huge inconvenience to most users […]
Version 0.9.8 is out. Its big feature is the inclusion of HAPI to facilitate validation of HL7 version 2.x messages. The only downside is that it’s now significantly larger to download. If that’s a problem I could release a more compact version without the validation. Update: – screenie! The validation code in this example is […]
The latest build supports adding lines in the beanshells you create starting with ‘// INIT: ‘ to a special script that only runs the first time you call the script. Because the script variables persist between calls this can let you load things like JDBC jars only once then be able to use an established […]
Thanks much to Scott who pointed out a problem with HL7 Snip on the support forum. I’ve fixed that problem, which had to do with repeating segments. That was in the Light HL7 Library so I have to release new version of most of the utils, so for tonight I have a new HL7 Snip […]