Some spammer thought it was clever to leave 266 comments on my blog praising the virtues of their online casino. As a results all comments must now be approved by me ahead of time. It’s wonderful how human nature sinks to the lowest common denominator.
Despite the long absence from the blog I’ve not quite disappeared off the face of the earth. Something about the three classes along with working full time, trying to keep up to date with piano lessons, and some extra special surprises have kept me too busy to keep this up to date. Fear not, though […]
At the risk of being political, I’m posting a link to an article that my friend Jeff sent me: It talks about how the Nazis came into power in Germany, even though they never had a majority stake in the Reichstag and Hitler did not win the popular vote. There are some frightening similarities […]
People are starting to comment on my blog. Spooky. Anyway, photos of Brad’s fifth annual twenty first birthday party are up here. I also have movies but they need a little, shall we say, enhancement before I post those. Also of interest is my software for graphing eGate schemas. If you don’t know what that […]