Light HL7 Library update and Javadoc
I’ve updated the Light HL7 Library page here to include the latest version of that library, including the work around for extremely large messages that crashed some JVMs (notably, both Windows and Linux running the latest versions of Java). At the same time a user named Kiran contacted me to ask if the Javadoc could be made available for the library. That’s a good idea to have that on top of the sample code provided, so now your three places to look for API information and for samples are the main library page here, which includes some sample code, a slightly out of date example of the unit tests here and finally, the new API documents here.
Work is almost done on the newest HL7 Comm, as well as a new HL7 Browser to include the work-around for large messages. I lost a system hard-drive in a backup server this weekend, otherwise you’d probably have at least one of those by now. I did take a few minutes to update my NetBeans 6.1 Preview to include release candidates 1 and 2 as well, if you need some more light reading.