Archive for the ‘Personal Updates’ Category

Move week

Well, the vast majority of the renovations at our new (old) house are complete, paving the way for a move. Actually, much of the kitchen and bathroom stuff are there, as well as the dining room set and most of our clothing. I haven’t had time to take kitchen after pics, but I am pleased […]

Kitchen before

Somehow many of you are aware that we’re getting ready to move. We decided when our tenant moved out of our old house that we’d renovate it and move back there. Then we’ll sell the “new” house where we’ve been living the past two years and hope to break nearly even. It’s a rough housing […]

The Java tutorial

I have a rather detailed document that I wrote a few years ago as a kind of introduction into Java coding. It assumes only very basic programming knowledge, and essentially zero Java knowledge. Maybe it’ll be helpful as I’ve seen very few basic Java tutorials out there, and that’s a shame as it’s such a […]

Many bugfixes in a new Light HL7 Lib release

Thanks to much help from a dedicated Light HL7 Lib user (which you can read more about here), there’s a new and much improved version of the library. Go ahead and download it here. Much thanks, Peter. There’s more to come.